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Why should there be a website?

Many readers who are reading this article, like many small business owners, don't think there is any benefit from the website, or there are many people who don't have the cost to create a website at all. Or you may think that others will do just as you use your computer a lot to find a solution. Here are eight reasons to solve these misunderstandings

Market development through website

Even if you currently sell products or services offline, you can reach many regions through the website without being limited to them. If you are a retailer, e-commerce (online shopping mall) is a great way to sell your products to a larger market. Service can also go global. If you think it’s hard to sell online, it’s a misunderstanding. Now houses and even cars are being traded online.

Increased creditworthiness due to website creation

Today, many consumers use Internet searches to find the products or services they need. Small business can build a lot of credit first by creating a website. If you don’t have a website, guests who come will be able to go to competitors who have a website. A well-designed website is a tool that demonstrates the professionalism of a business. Even if you own a website, it may be less reliable if it is not a professionally designed website.

Reduction of marketing budget using website

Small business owners may think that they don’t have the budget to run a professional website, but the cost of running and producing the website is quite wide. For a small business, you usually think it costs less than $ 100 per month. This is a very low marketing cost compared to newspaper advertisements or TV advertisements. Website creation is a very efficient marketing tool.

Improve customer service

If you are assuming that you are currently providing accounting services and want to tell your customers how to manage their books more simply, the best way is to create a website. Frequently asked questions, or through our newsletter, we can answer your questions and keep you updated. Few services are as good as delivering information through a website.

Information delivery through website

A website is a brochure or catalog online. Being online makes updating information easier than with physical advertising. New products, new events, special sales, or new services can be updated at once through the website.

24 hour accessibility

The website is always open 24 hours a day to current or potential customers. Since it’s always open, customers can search for products or services in the business at any time. In today’s busy era, a website is an important tool that allows customers to make purchase choices.

Time is money

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